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A complete, reef-safe, controllable solution for nitrate & phosphate reduction


  • Enables controlled nitrate and phosphate reduction for optimal coral growth and coloration
  • Reduces nuisance algae
  • Reef-Safe, with no undesirable side effects
  • Easy to use, reliable and cost-effective


NO3:PO4-X is the original, safest, most popular, and best solution that provides a full, reef-safe, controllable method for nitrate and phosphate reduction, thereby boosting coral growth and coloration in any reef or marine fish system.


Unlike other methods, the monitored dosing of NO3:PO4-X biologically reduces both nitrate and phosphate, while enabling the fine control of their levels. This fine control allows gradual changes and guarantees accurate maintenance of algae nutrient levels required to safely reduce nuisance algae and bring the symbiotic zooxanthellae algae to the optimal levels needed for boosting coral growth and coloration.


NO3:PO4-X is a unique complex of carbon substances and other organically bound elements that enhances the activity of nutrient reducing bacteria, which naturally exist in all marine aquariums. Each carbon source in the complex is utilized by different strains of microorganisms and together with the balanced ratio of enzymatic co-factors guarantee a complete and safe denitrification process (nitrate reduction) and phosphate reduction in the aquarium.

To learn more about the scientific aspects click here.


* Efficient protein skimming is critical to the safe use of NO3:PO4-X.

Easy to use

NO3:PO4-X is formulated for daily dosing and when combined with weekly measurements of Nitrate and Phosphate enables gradual changes and the fine control of algae nutrients that are so important for the long-term health of all corals.

Read more about the algae management program>>


New tanks, untreated established tanks and established tanks that have used alternative methods of nitrate and/or phosphate reduction will all react differently when starting to use NO3: PO4– X. However, over time, the nutrient levels will stabilize as desired, irrespective of where they started. (For specific instructions for converting to NO3: PO4-X from PO4 absorbers and/or NO3 de-nitrators click here)


With continued correct use, there are no undesirable side effects when using NO3: PO4-X. It is safe for all fish, corals, and microfauna. Even a large accidental overdose should not cause any irreversible damage as long as a suitably rated skimmer is installed on the system.

Package size/volume

  • 500 ml (16.9 fl. Oz.)
  • 1 L (33.8 fl. Oz.)
  • 5 L (1.32 gal)


Additional information


500ML, 1000ML, 5000ML

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